Sultan on Top of Games Too, Listed Among Top 5 Trending Games in Play Store

by User Not Found | Dec 15, 2016

Sultan GameIt’s a film that has become a phenomenon this year. Sultan- the 500 crore plus mega blockbuster starring Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma has added another milestone. Sultan: The Game, by YRF and 99 Games, has been chosen amongst the best games for Android and has also secured a position amongst the top 5 in both the Most Competitive and Top Trending categories on Play Store in India.

While multiple games get launched on Play Store each year, the 1 million downloads that this game got has already proven it’s mass appeal with users. With the Play Store editorial team having shortlisted this game with comprehensive parameters like app design, total installs and audience reviews. With millions of installs overall, this game has successfully engaged with a cross section of users and marketers with the film Sultan.

Speaking about this development, Manan Mehta, Vice President YRF Marketing and Merchandising said, “As YRF Merchandising, our intent is always to approach our films as products that can be leveraged and spun into non-core independent business. Our objective was to appeal to not only to our film audience who love mobile gaming but also to mobile gamers at large through Sultan: The Game.  This game gained both popularity and vote for quality from Google, indicates success of our intent and approach. We hope to continue our innovations as YRF Merchandising and keep adding new games in our portfolio.”

Innovations on gaming and apps was also achieved successfully with Fan: The Film by the Merchandising team at YRF. 


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    Sultan on Top of Games Too, Listed Among Top 5 Trending Games in Play Store
    14 December 2016

    Sultan GameIt’s a film that has become a phenomenon this year. Sultan- the 500 crore plus mega blockbuster starring Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma has added another milestone. Sultan: The Game, by YRF and 99 Games, has been chosen amongst the best games for Android and has also secured a position amongst the top 5 in both the Most Competitive and Top Trending categories on Play Store in India.

    While multiple games get launched on Play Store each year, the 1 million downloads that this game got has already proven it’s mass appeal with users. With the Play Store editorial team having shortlisted this game with comprehensive parameters like app design, total installs and audience reviews. With millions of installs overall, this game has successfully engaged with a cross section of users and marketers with the film Sultan.

    Speaking about this development, Manan Mehta, Vice President YRF Marketing and Merchandising said, “As YRF Merchandising, our intent is always to approach our films as products that can be leveraged and spun into non-core independent business. Our objective was to appeal to not only to our film audience who love mobile gaming but also to mobile gamers at large through Sultan: The Game.  This game gained both popularity and vote for quality from Google, indicates success of our intent and approach. We hope to continue our innovations as YRF Merchandising and keep adding new games in our portfolio.”

    Innovations on gaming and apps was also achieved successfully with Fan: The Film by the Merchandising team at YRF. 

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